05 October, 2013

The Lab Nitrogen Gelato

The Lab Nitrogen Gelato has only added to the chemistry craze that has swept Melbourne off their feet. Did someone say Breaking Bad ? Complete with lab coats, safety glasses, beakers and test tubes - you know you're in for a treat.

The mad scientists explained that flavours change up on a weekly basis. This week offered Milky Chocolate with Homemade Brownies, Black Sesame, Salted Caramel Popcorn, Raspberry and Yuzu Sorbet, and Ice lemon Tea Sorbet. Though the Milky Chocolate with Homemade Brownies has proven to be an all time favourite and has earned itself a spot on the menu permanently. 

Milky Chocolate with Homemade Brownies

Gelato can't get fresher than this. They mixed their milk with their cocoa puff. Milky, milky cocoa. Mixed their milk with their cocoa puff, milky, milky riiight ? A whirl of the blender, a cloud of smoke, and the result ? Gelato that was super silky in consistency with a great intensity of chocolate.

In comparison to N2 Extreme Gelato, the flavours here did not excite me as much as the punny out-there options you would find in Fitzroy. And you all know how much I love puns. Nonetheless, The Lab is certainly hot hot hot and has taken Melbourne by storm (liquid nitrogen fog) ! 

The Lab Nitrogen Gelato
188 Bourke Street
Melbourne, VIC

The Lab Nitrogen Gelato on Urbanspoon


  1. I recently went to KL and amongst the busy-ness of the food court, found a N2 Icecream shop with absolutely no customers.... the trend is already dead over there and Melbourne just caught on... we're so behind =(

  2. Oh, really ? That's not good :(
    Was it N2 branded or some other Nitrogen Gelato shop ?
    Yeah, Melbourne is a bit slow on some of these things yeah ?
